# Privacy Policy of Stichting European Circular Retail Foundation (ECRF)
## Introduction
This Privacy Policy outlines the commitment of the Stichting European Circular Retail Foundation (ECRF) to protect the privacy of personal information. Our dedication to fostering a sustainable business society is paralleled by our dedication to the responsible handling of personal data.
## Data Collection Specifics
ECRF collects business-related personal data which may include names, job titles, company names, email addresses, and telephone numbers, necessary for fostering business relationships and communication about our sustainability initiatives.
## Purpose of Data Use
The personal data collected by ECRF is primarily utilized for communications related to various initiatives undertaken by ECRF and its business partners to promote a sustainable business environment. This includes providing updates and information about relevant events, opportunities, and collaborative efforts aimed at igniting a sustainable business society. By engaging with these initiatives, individuals and organizations can contribute to and benefit from our shared goal of a more sustainable future in retail and business at large.
## Data Sharing and Third Parties
Personal data may be shared with European Conferences United and other business partners for collaborative events. ECRF ensures that such data will be managed in accordance with the privacy standards set forth by European Conferences United and other partners, exclusively for their core business of organizing business events.
## Data Protection Measures
ECRF employs industry-standard measures to protect the personal data under our care, including encryption and secure data storage. Access to personal data is limited to authorized personnel.
## User Rights and Preferences
Individuals have the right to access, rectify, or erase their personal data. Preferences regarding data use can be specified via email to compliance@circular-retail.org.
## Compliance and Legal Framework
In compliance with GDPR, ECRF engages in data processing activities that are lawful, fair, and transparent. The rights of individuals are respected, and efforts are made to ensure data security.
## Contact Information for Data Privacy Inquiries
For inquiries or concerns about data privacy, please contact:
Emmanuel Etala
Data Compliance Officer
Stichting European Circular Retail Foundation
Email: Emmanuel.Etala@circular-retail.org
## Updates and Changes to the Policy
ECRF reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy. Stakeholders will be informed via email of substantial changes. The updated policy will be made available on our website.
## Use of Cookies and Similar Technologies
ECRF may use cookies or similar technologies to improve user experience on our websites. Users have the option to control the use of such technologies through their browser settings.
## Consent
By engaging with ECRF's services and providing personal data, individuals are consenting to the collection, use, and disclosure of their information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.
## Severability
If any part of this Privacy Policy is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of the policy remains in effect and enforceable.
This Privacy Policy is effective as of July 31, 2023 and will be reviewed and updated regularly.